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The Caffettiera: The Soothing Ritual of Making Coffee

Aggiornamento: 22 set 2024

Even in your tent, you can enjoy a cup of coffee with the caffettiera! Since not everyone knows what it is or how to use it, here’s a bit of an explanation. The caffettiera is an icon of Italian coffee culture and can be found in almost every Italian kitchen. Italians generally don’t invest in luxurious espresso machines for home; after all, every small town has a bar that opens early in the morning, so why bother? And if Italians do drink coffee at home, they use the caffettiera. It’s a simple yet ingenious device, invented by Alfonso Bialetti in 1933.

The caffettiera, also known as a moka pot, consists of three parts: the water reservoir at the bottom, a filter in the middle for the ground coffee, and the top section where the brewed coffee is collected. Once placed on the stove, the boiling water creates steam pressure that pushes through the ground coffee, producing the characteristic strong, aromatic espresso. Note: Espresso has nothing to do with speed (please forget the Dutch and French pronunciation "expresso"), but rather with the pressure created by steam.

What makes the caffettiera so special is the way it slowly draws out the coffee’s flavor. Unlike quick machines, brewing coffee with a moka pot is a soothing ritual; one that many Italians perform every morning. It’s the perfect way to start your day or enjoy a relaxing afternoon break with a cup of Italian coffee. You can find the right coffee for the caffettiera in any Italian alimentari or supermarket. Also read the other articles >

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